Jane Greer (1924-2001), perhaps best known for her role as femme fatale Kathie Moffat in the noir masterpiece OUT OF THE PAST (1947), began life as Bettejane Greer in Washington D.C. A beauty-contest winner and professional model from her teens, she began her show business career as a big band singer. Howard Hughes spotted her on the cover of Life magazine on June 8, 1942 and sent her to Hollywood. He lent her out to RKO to star in many films including DICK TRACY, THE FALCON’S ALIBI, OUT OF THE PAST, THEY WON’T BELIEVE ME, and They Won't Believe Me (1947), and THE BIG STEAL, alongside Out of the Past co-star Robert Mitchum. In the following decades, she appeared in a number of movies, none as popular as in her ‘40s heyday, including THE MAN OF A THOUSAND FACES with James Cagney and THE OUTFIT (1973). In 1984 she was cast in AGAINST ALL ODDS, a remake of OUT OF THE PAST, playing Rachel Ward's mother. She also parodied her PAST performance on TV's SNL with her original costar Robert Mitchum.

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